
Office 365

Allegrow is a top deliverability solution for O365 users with seamless integration. Combine your core email system with an inbox placement system from a verified Microsoft Partner.

Integrate with

Office 365

Allegrow’s Office 365 integration can be connected in less than 60 seconds. This combination takes deliverability to a new level as you can measure, improve and maintain inbox placement with a single source of truth for sender reputation.

Office 365
Office 365

About Office 365 integration

By integrating Allegrow into O365, every member of your team will have a deliverability data scientist monitoring and optimising every email, domain and variation of content your team sends to reach the primary inbox. We firmly believe this 360-degree approach inside your organization's email system is the only way to consistently measure and mitigate the risk outbound creates for deliverability. By connecting, you’ll unlock the following functionality:

  • Positive interactions on every sellers mailbox. 
  • Track Domain Health with data points updated daily. 
  • Measure all your users' individual Spam Rates. 
  • Hourly tests using real traffic on DKIM, SPF and DMARC. 
  • Team Leaderboard shows your users with the best to worst spam rates. 
  • Solve which version of your content reaches the primary inbox, the most often. 
  • Add an on-demand deliverability coach to your teams' enablement stack. 

Allegrow aligns on partnering with the most technically enabled businesses in the world to fulfil our mission of making sure the most valuable communications your team will ever send to customers and prospects alike, don’t fall through the cracks.

Office 365

Connect Office 365 integration

Firstly, you’ll need to have subscribed to both Allegrow to access the integration functionality. This integration is available by default in every Allegrow subscription. To connect your O365 instance to Allegrow you can follow these steps:

  • Log in to the specific O356 user/mailbox that you want to connect to Allegrow.
  • Enter the name and email address of the mailbox you want to connect inside Allegrow. 
  • Select ‘Connect Your Mailbox’ in Allegrow and you will then be redirected to a Microsoft page. Ensure you pick the same mailbox details on this page as you have entered into Allegrow. 
  • You will now be shown an O365 consent screen if you are the first user to connect from your organisation.
  • Select  ‘Consent on behalf of my organisation’ and ‘Accept’ to connect your mailbox.

You can find more in-depth guidance on the connection process, including annotated pictures of each page in the process, in our help centre here. Allegrow also provides post-connection documentation on managing the integration inside our help centre, which your team can view on demand, or with the assistance and guidance of the dedicated customer success manager assigned to your account and introduced to you over email on or before your start date with Allegrow.

Office 365

Support for O365 integrations

Allegrow will provide you with a dedicated customer success manager (CSM) as your key point of contact for any support-related questions while using our platform. Support on Allegrow can be delivered through the following mediums:

  • Zoom meeting scheduled directly with your CSM. 
  • Email directly to your CSM. 
  • Live chat with in-app customer support. 
  • Self-service support is also available in our help centre. (if you’d like to find documentation independently). 
  • Consistent research and playbooks for best practices are also available in our knowledge base
  • You will also receive a sequence of ‘spam reviews’ and ‘rewrite’ examples included on your Allegrow subscription. The quantity of these you can access depends on your plan. 

Your Customer Success Manager proactively reaches out to schedule meetings with you and other relevant stakeholders during your Allegrow subscription to help you utilise the functionality Allegrow contains. You may also have the facility to access your customer success manager's calendar and schedule a meeting at a time that is convenient for you and your team. In addition to this, Allegrow will send automated reputation reports and alerts during your subscription.

Office 365